Blora Regency in Figures can be seen here; Online
Integrated Statistics Services can be sent via email: with
the subject Data Requestor or website; The Integrated Statistical Service BPS Blora Regency can be visited
every working day at 08.00 – 15.30 WIB; Reporting Services That Are Not Compliant With Procedures can be done via
To obtain data from the Statistics Indonesia (BPS) Blora Regency, please visit the Integrated Statistical Service at BPS Blora Regency, located at Jl. Rajawali No. 12, Blora, Tempelan, Kec. Blora, Blora Regency, Central Java 58211.
SateBlora - Various strategic data of Blora Regency in one application. Access the application through the following link.;
Jatikuat - A Geographic Information System (GIS) displaying administrative boundaries in Blora Regency. Access the application through the following link.
Permohonan Maaf Gangguan E-Learning
June 21, 2023 | BPS Activities
Haloo #SobatData
Mohon maaf yaa, dikarenakan permasalahan server elearning pada BPS Pusat, maka untuk seleksi elearning akan diperpanjang hingga tanggal 22 Juni 2023.
Jika masih banyak calon petugas yang mengalami kendala hingga tanggal 22, maka untuk penilaian seleksi akhir akan menggunakan hasil dari seleksi wawancara, tes pemeriksaan dokumen, dan tes entri data yang telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14-16 Juni 2023 di BPS Kabupaten Blora.
Pengumuman akhir akan diumunkan pada tanggal 23 Juni 2023
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Blora (Statistics of Blora Regency)Jalan Rajawali Nomor 12 Blora 58211 Telp. & Faks (0296)531191 Homepage. e-mail: