Wajah Baru Website BPS Kabupaten Blora - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Blora Regency

Blora Regency in Figures can be seen here; Online Integrated Statistics Services can be sent via email: bps3316@bps.go.id with the subject Data Requestor or website pst.bps.go.id; The Integrated Statistical Service BPS Blora Regency can be visited every working day at 08.00 – 15.30 WIB; Reporting Services That Are Not Compliant With Procedures can be done via lapor.go.id

Wajah Baru Website BPS Kabupaten Blora

Wajah Baru Website BPS Kabupaten Blora

September 1, 2024 | BPS Activities

Yuk berkenalan dengan wajah baru website BPS Kabupaten Blora, berbagai fitur baru ada disini lho, memudahkan anda dalam mencari informasi seputar data BPS.
Tampilan baru website BPS ini serempak berlaku diseluruh website BPS kabupaten/kota dan provinsi di seluruh Indonesia.
Yuk, segera kunjungi website blorakab.bps.go.id .
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Blora (Statistics of Blora Regency)Jalan Rajawali Nomor 12 Blora 58211 Telp. & Faks (0296)531191 Homepage. http://blorakab.bps.go.id/ e-mail: bps3316@bps.go.id





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